All he knew was work and me. He considered me to be his world. I recall the days when he used to carry me on his shoulders to my school which was 5 kilometers away from my house. I have always asked him to get a vehicle for himself but he refused. Not that he couldn’t afford it but for reasons unknown he never owned one.
After lot of persuasion, in the summer of 96, he got me a bicycle. No longer, I required the services of my Herculean father because Hercules MTB was there to serve me. I considered it to be the ferrari’s of the world and used to zoom across streets giving tough time to the street walkers.
One fine day, I fell down from the cycle and went home weeping. I explained whatever happened to my mother. She applied Pain balm and put me to sleep. At 1 A.M., I felt an enormous pain when someone touched my hand. It was my Father. He enquired about what happened and knowing the seriousness of the injury he didn’t wait for the dawn. He put me on his arms and marched towards the hospital which was 8 kms away for treating my fractured arm. During my stay in the hospital too, dad used to shuttle between house and hospital getting me good food. He never let my mother do those stuffs. My mom at times used to shout at my dad for being over sensitive towards me.
Even today he makes sure I’m not put into any botheration for getting his work done. I don’t know if I can refer his behaviour to be egoistic but I simply love him for what he is.
For past 25 years those legs have been working round-the-clock for me.
Today I intend to make his travel easier with this car which I have bought for him.

As I drove the car I could see smile on my dad’s face. I can make out what it means. He felt happy that I lived up to his expectations.
I will continue to do so in future too.. Love you Dad:)
Saw you drive home in your new Alto yesterday, and felt good... imagine how your Dad would feel..
This affection we share for our parents is one factor that keeps our culture and character strong...
Very well written blog.. keep going...
Dear Rajesh,
U did it. Congrats
Many of us never thought of it, those thought it postphoned it, then it was too late .
Im sending it to my friends as an eye opener
Your tooooooooooo a good son
I wish I had a son like you
Dear Rajesh,
Awesome!A blog straight from the heart and touching everyone who reads it!
How wonderful to see a family with such close ties, where parenta and children reciprocate in equal measure.
Well written..I am sure ur dad is very proud of u..Continue the good work!
Btw.When r u going to give me a ride in ur car ? :)
Congrats Rajesh! Am sure your dad is very proud of you. I have always seen sons & dads share a relationship which is pretty delicate. You have put in in words beautifully! I am proud of you too my friend!
nice blog but u r yet to take me in ur car.... and by the way did ur dad take on shoulder that long when scholl buses were available in chennai... or is it just for the write up ????
Dear Rajesh,
i am reminded of a One and Half Liner called "Thirukkural" which says "The gratitude of the son to the father is to make others say - How much this father deserved to have him as his son " (Magan thanthaikkatrum udhavi evan thanthai en notrankol enum sol - Kural 70)
Hats Off!!
Congrats buddy!!!! Gooooooooooodddddddd!!!
Good Rajesh..keep it up..
Hey Rajesh,
I could relate to it and could experience how it feels. Congrats!
Happiness is best experienced when it belongs to others and when we make our parents happy it reaches the peak.
Rajesh...I never knew you are a cauldron of emotional outpour. As Abraham has posted, you are too good a son!!! Believe me..I had tears as I finished reading your article.
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