This letter is nothing short of a far cry of a common man who still believes that a Government of the People, by the people and for the people will not bring his confidence down.
When I went to school, people talked about corruption in terms of thousands, when I entered college it was talked in lakhs, few years later it was in crores and today we see corruption interms of few lakh crores.. I wonder if we need another Ramanujam to invent new number systems for representing the corruption levels in our Country.
Your government won extraordinary elections in 2008 and people who termed you as a “Weak Prime Minister” were defeated. Everyone from Corporate houses to Common man rejoiced your victory with an only belief that India’s Aam aadmi will shine thanks to Mr. Clean occupying the Prime Minister Chair.
The original thought of Left sitting in the opposition, meant that the minimal interference in policy making will take India to higher levels. Within 3 years of occupying this office, Government has indeed taken India to higher levels in terms of mishandling the corrupts and corruption cases.
India scored 3.3 in the World corruption index on a scale of 0 – 10 (0 being the Most corrupt and 10 being corrupt free). We see the Raja’s, Kalmadi’s, Khan’s and other culprits having a free run. Needless to say they are only the last face and big fishes have had their share in the looting. If not for the backing, these guys will not have audacity to act on their wishes.
Today the corruption level is very high that a common man doesn’t understand the figures involved in it. 2G Spectrum Scam has had its money share spread across various beneficiaries like Politicians, Policy Makers, Corporate houses, Brokers etc. I strongly believe that without the support and backing of Big names, Raja could not have done this. Amidst all these fiasco, all we hear from you is no wrong doing in 2G spectrum allocation. What an irony Prime Minister? I strongly believe that you are a person with impeccable integrity; however hiding facts is equivalent to committing a crime. Your silent is a serious concern for the people of this country.
A leader may be of high integrity but if he doesn’t look into the anomaly in his sub-ordinates work, it’s equal to not discharging your duties properly. Do you want to be remembered for that?
Deccan Herald has released a news item on January 9th 2011 which quotes that the original estimate for CWG was Rs. 618 Crores. However approximately Rs. 60000 Crores were spent (Almost 100 times the original estimates) only to see the foot-over bridge collapse in the CWG venue on the eve of your visit. It’s an irony that a bunch of jokers brought the country of billion people to its knees. Its even sadder to not that all accused in CWG are out in bail and enjoying life lavishly.
To me, it sounds weird that in a country were strict actions is taken against a peon/clerk for accepting bribes in the order of 1000’s, why is that culprits who loot in crores are left free.
Inspite of having the support of other countries, why isn’t your Government taking any action against people who have parked billions in tax havens? Why isn’t Hasan Ali Khan arrested and interrogated? I fear that before even the action is taken the individual might move the money from his bank accounts. What is your Government doing on this issue?
It’s unfortunate to note other instances like Adarsh housing scam, S-Band Deal, P J Thomas appointment issues, Scam in bullet proof procurements (Remember the bullet proof that failed to save Hemant Karkare?)
I don’t want to see myself as problem highlighter but solution giver. Find below few points for you to ponder over,
1. Our law is framed in such a way that a person is innocent until he is found guilty. It’s high time we redefine it as “a person is guilty unless he is found innocent”.
2. Let his/her passport along with their kin’s be confiscated
3. All bank accounts of the accused and beneficiaries be freezed
4. If found guilty, all his material wealth be confiscated by the Government
5. Any Educational degree (Indian or Foreign) obtained by his/her kith and kin be deemed invalid.
6. They should be deemed ineligible to register any property or buy wealth in his/her and their descendant’s name.
7. They should not be allowed to hold any post in future
8. They should be declared ineligible for any benefits that may arise out of their stature during their tenure.
9. They should not be allowed to start any business ventures in future.
This may sound ridicule but somehow I feel these types of harsh punishments will help to reduce the corruption in this Country. Fear of Punishment is required today to save the country from selfish pythons.
Prime minister, you were instrumental in avoiding the collapse of Indian Economy in 1991. You came up with bold decisions and drafted new policies that orchestrated India’s Growth story. After 2 decades, we are today in need of similar bold decisions and new policy to eradicate corruption. I may not be competent to advice but I wish to tell you this, Please do not succumb to coalition politics pressure, we don’t see you as a politician. Listen to your inner conscience, fix the urgent needs of the country.. Else step down. Don’t allow, history to remember you as a person who derelict the voice of billion Indians.
Remember “India is not suffering due to the violence of many people but due to the silence of few people like you”
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